Floating Along the Milky Way - Original Version
Take a 7 minute float through 12 gigapixels worth of data from Spitzer Space Telescope's Infrared sensors. Processed by code and by hand into a simulated 3D flythrough of the central area of the Milky Way. All backed with music by the ambient/post-rock guitar duo Hammock.
You can choose from two methods of downloading:
1) a standard web download (price: CAD$3 or more)
2) via BitTorrent (requires a BitTorrent program to download; price: anything you want)
Regardless of download method, you will get access to 12 versions of the video:
1) CODEC: choose from h264 or h265
2) RESOLUTION: choose from 1080p, 1440p, or 2160p (aka 4K).
3) FRAMERATE: choose from 30fps vs 60fps
For each of the above, the options are ordered from lower computer performance requirements to higher performance requirements. So if you have an older computer or tablet, the safest bet is h264+1080p+30fps. If you have a super-fast modern computer and a 4k display, you could do h265+2160p+60fps.
One payment lets you download as many of the versions as you want to find the combination of settings that works best for your set-up.